2007不仅是“前卫年”,也是“厄运年”,佳作俯首可得,其中不乏完美之作。芬兰的Reverend Bizarre在2007发行的第3张专辑首当其冲。专辑分双张发行,一共8首歌却长达2小时10分钟。玩Doom冗长一点不奇怪,但这么夸张恐怕要算“金属之最”了。专辑纯正的传统Doom乐风、复古的迷幻硬摇音色在21世纪的今天听起来恍如隔世,整张唱片是一次从60年代一直到90年代的金属巡礼。乐队主脑Albert用跨越时空的想象力、超凡的创作灵感对经典、根源、传统作了最隆重的致敬。唱片封面浓重的宗教复古意味也和音乐内容达成了一致的完美契合。无论从哪个方面来看,这都是名副其实的鸿篇巨制。国内外网站上充斥着对这张唱片的溢美之词。前面说了,2007佳作不断,但真的很难再找出别的Doom唱片来和他竞争榜首的位置了。更何况这是Reverend Bizarre解散前的告别作。从1995年组队到现在,他们经历了多次解散重组,历经坎坷,到2002才发行首张正式专辑。他们所有的3张唱片连同EP、Demo之类的全都值得收藏。一段正在上演的传奇就此中断,换个角度来看,也许这也是传奇的一部分。
III: So Long Suckers is a 2 CD set with only 7 songs. Those songs clock in at over 2 hours, with some songs almost 30 minutes long. Reverend Bizarre does a great job keeping things interesting and constantly changing and manage the difficult task of holding the listener’s attention for the entire length of the song.
The music has a nice flow to it. The songs go from glacially slow and heavy doom that plods along at a crushing pace to faster with a more rock vibe. The mood and emotion ranges from severely to mildly depressed. The length of the songs allow for long instrumental interludes that showcase the drums and downtuned guitars before vocalist Albert Witchfinder returns with his gloomy baritone. It’s better to go out with a bang than a whimper, and if this does turn out to be the last album from Reverend Bizarre, they are exiting with a magnum opus.