




Chris Botti
Columbia Records


全世界最性感小号手 魅力上演都会爵士的浪漫风华

波士顿大众管弦乐团伴奏;Sting、马友友、Josh Groban、John Mayer、Aerosmith主唱Steven Tyler等九大巨星跨刀献艺!

〈When I Fall In Love〉、〈Cinema Paradiso〉(新天堂乐园主题曲)、〈Time To Say Goodbye〉等精彩曲目


08年曾翩然访台的Chris Botti,其时人杂志列名全球前50大美男子的俊秀风采果然风靡宝岛,不负其「全世界最性感小号手」之封号!继去年的葛莱美入围专辑「义大利风情」(Italia)后,再度推出现场大碟「波士顿巨星之夜」(Chris Botti in Boston),以影音双碟的形式,完整呈现都会爵士的浪漫魅力风华!在乐界有好人缘的他,每次录製新专辑或开演奏会,总是能邀到巨星级的特别来宾跨刀,06年就曾以同样形式发表过Chris Botti Live with Orchestra & Speical Guests这张洛杉矶现场,当年的特别来宾包括了Sting、Paula Cole、Gladys Knight、Burt Bacharach、Jill Scott跨类型的巨匠助阵,而这次「波士顿巨星之夜」的阵容更是盛大,除了超级好朋友Sting及其御用吉他手Dominic Miller照例现身力挺之外,跨界情歌王子Josh Groban也带着其御用小提琴美女Lucia Micarelli加入演出阵容;葛莱美最佳流行男歌手John Mayer、American Idol窜红新星Katharine McPhee、甚至全球最知名的大提琴家马友友等都在这一夜献艺!其中最令人感到惊喜的,应该是Aerosmith的大嘴主唱Steven Tyler,他的现身可说是完全颠覆了观众的想像空间!

这场巨星云集的演奏会于08年9月18日的波士顿交响音乐厅举行,除了Billy Childs(钢琴)、Billy Kilson(鼓手)、Mark Whitfield(吉他)、Robert Hurst(贝斯),及Chris Botti本人的五重奏阵容之外(亦是去年访华登台的班底),波士顿大众管弦乐团(Boston Pops Orchestra)也全程参与,更添复古兴味!全场以舒伯特的〈Ave Maria〉(圣母颂)开场,管弦乐团典雅的衬托,Chris Botti诚恳不花俏的吹奏,带起圣洁悠扬的氛围,接下来的〈When I Fall In Love〉从浪漫的主奏开场,中间一转成为乐手轮番竞飙的快意即兴,令现场气氛急速升温;而Sting与Dominic Miller上场演出〈Seven Days〉更是掀起第一波高潮,Josh Groban深情的〈Broken Vow〉亦令观众如痴如醉!Katharine McPhee带着现代口吻重新诠释的经典曲〈I’ve Got You Under My Skin〉,更是引领Botti做出愉悦精彩的即兴回应。马友友与Botti联手的〈Cinema Paradiso〉(新天堂乐园主题曲)则是万众期待的梦幻演出,但小提琴美女Lucia Micarelli凄美的〈Emmanuel〉,感染力亦是不遑多让,让听者在当下有感动落泪的冲动!而Steven Tyler的现身则令现场气氛为之转变,一曲火力热辣的摇滚情歌〈Cryin’〉,更显出Botti演奏实力的宽广全面,Tyler亦出乎意料之外地接着演唱了爵士经典曲〈Smile〉做为回应。John Mayer也登场做了过去很少尝试的爵士演唱,而Sting与Josh Groban连抉献唱〈Shape Of My Heart〉,为演奏会进入尾声前的惊喜!Sting更是很够义气地大放送,紧接着演唱自己的畅销曲〈If I Ever Lose My Faith In You〉,整场演出最后以Botti独奏的〈Time To Say Goodbye〉压轴,两小时绝无冷场的扎实内容,绝对值得乐迷再三回味!

by Matt Collar

Chris Botti in Boston features trumpeter Chris Botti along with a bevy of name artists performing live with the Boston Pops orchestra at Symphony Hall in 2008. Fully documented as a concert film and album, the night is an intimate and soulful birds-eye view of the supple-toned trumpeter who has grown into his role as a virtuoso since his time backing-up Sting -- who of course appears here. Perhaps it isn't surprising then the concert is subtely reminiscent of Sting's own classic coming-of-age concert moment Bring On the Night. If Sting's 1986 show was an attempt to reintroduce himself to the world as a pop-cum-jazz artist, then Botti's 2008 show is clearly a showcase for the one-time smooth-jazz wunderkind to fully represent himself as the eye of his own crossover storm. Having never fully embraced the synthetic vibe of the smooth-jazz sound, Botti has spent his time since 2004's massively popular When I Fall in Love creating his own organic, acoustic and "straight-ahead" crossover jazz. In the context of contemporay smooth-jazz, Botti's retro-gesture is actually kind of innovative. Clearly owing a heavy debt to legendary trumpeter Miles Davis, Botti not only surrounds himself with the elegant live Boston Pops Orchestra, but has hired some of the most heavy-hitting rythym section players on the scene with drummer Billy Kilson, bassist Robert Hurst, pianist Billy Childs, guitarist Mark Whitfield and others. The result clearly pulls much inspiration from Davis' work with Gil Evans -- he even plays "Flamenco Sketches" -- but never seems to belabor the comparison. Similary, Botti's choice of guest artists including vocalist Josh Groban, violinist Lucia Micarelli and even rocker Steven Tyler always appears genuinely considered based on Botti's own musical taste. And athough pairing the elegant cellist Yo Yo Ma with Botti is somewhat of a no-brainer, their work together here, much like the entire concert itself, is never less than breathtaking.

