◎ 美国影集「篮球的天空」、「数字搜查线」、「杏林春暖」、「胜利之光」等超高收视率电视影集指定配唱抒情摇滚乐团,2011年全新同名专辑
◎ 制作Kings Of Leon〈Use Somebody〉,并拿下葛莱美肯定的Jacquire King(Tom Waits、Modest Mouse、Norah Jones)操盘力挺,登上流行榜Top29、独立榜Top1
◎ AMG给予四星近满分推崇:「乐团至今最优专辑」
以钢琴摇滚为架构的Augustana,以抒情摇滚的动人曲风,成为当今继Keane、Five For Fighting、The Fray等英美两地当红队伍中,最令人动容的沧桑声频,以顺畅活泼的编曲,在摇滚、成人抒情、流行等曲风中,琢磨出属於他们的独特韵味。深受年轻族群喜爱的Augustana,也陆续获邀在热门影集「篮球的天空」、「数字搜查线」、「杏林春暖」、「胜利之光」中献声,成为影集中经典难忘的重要配乐。
自2003年圣地牙哥发迹的Augustana,由身兼主唱、钢琴、吉他手的核心Dan Layus,延揽好友独立发行一千张的处女作《Midwest Skies And Sleepless Mondays》和25张的《Mayfield》EP,靠着公演宣传,在当地独立市场获得相当不错的反应。2005年签入Epic Records旗下,并发行首张主流厂牌下的《All The Stars And Boulevards》,称霸热门潜力、独立榜专辑冠军,写下全球近200万的销量,第一主打〈Boston〉更一举获颁白金销售认证。Josiah Rosen离团发行个人作品,换上Chris Sachtleben(主奏吉他、曼陀铃)与John Vicent(钢琴、键盘、风琴)等两名新成员,重整推出专辑《Can’t Love, Can’t Hurt》,成绩更胜以往,拿下告示牌流行榜Top21。
睽违三年,Augustana在2011年终於发行歌迷期待的同名专辑《Augustana》,专业乐评AMG给予四星近满分推崇:「乐团至今最优专辑」,邀请制作Kings Of Leon的〈Use Somebody〉,并一举拿下葛莱美肯定的Jacquire King (Tom Waits、Modest Mouse、Norah Jones)操盘,专辑发行即登上流行榜Top29、独立榜冠军。首波主打〈Steal Your Heart〉选在西洋情人节前发行,爽朗的吉他拨奏,为整曲带来浪漫的氛围,造成全美各大电台涌入大量点播潮;再展情摇滚并揉合阳刚气质的〈Wrong Side Of Love〉,则有更加耐听、动人的旋律,瞄准喜爱都会情歌乐迷的双耳;跳跃的钢琴音符让〈Counting Stars〉多情动容;充满夏日气息的〈Borrowed Time〉,有着民谣Acoustic,自由自在的舒畅旋律带入曲末的〈Hurricane〉、〈Just Stay Here Tonight〉、〈You Were Made For Me〉迷人旋律下,誓言要给你满满的动容好歌!(博客来)
Take one listen to Augustana's self-titled third album and it's clear that this band has thrown off the shackles of playing it safe. Lead vocalist and lyricist Daniel Layus has dug deep and emerged with a passionate, rootsy rock collection that is distinctively American, recalling the muscularity and epic sweep of albums by Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen in their heyday. The album is a shimmering blend of rock, folk, and country that manages to sound both modern and timeless. The subtle, streamlined production by Jacquire King (Kings of Leon, Norah Jones) lets the true beauty of Layus soulful vocal delivery, as well as the band's barnstorming performances, shine through. "A lot of the songs are about digging in your heels and not giving up the fight for someone you love," he says. Layus describes the first single, "Steal Your Heart," as "an ultimate song of love and hope. I've never really written about that before," he says. "I've never done anything that blatant. It's a hand-in-the-sky, take-no-prisoners kind of moment where you just have no choice but to lay it all out there."