Interpol被视为复兴post-punk的舵手乐队,成军于纽约的他们在2002年发表首张专辑《Turn on the Bright Lights》后,便以Joy Division、The Chameleon接班人的姿态,疾速走红于英美两地乐坛。NME曾经针对他们的现场演出,做出如下评论:「Interpol现场演出的热力更甚舞台上的聚光灯,震慑全场如入仙境,这是历史性的一刻!」。吉他手Daniel Kessler、鼓手Greg Drudy与键盘手/贝斯手Carlos Dengler,过去同样都在纽约当地求学,在嗓音淡陌却异常动人的主唱Paul Banks加入后,Interpol的阵容才终于在1998年正式确定。2000年他们首次登台演出,Sam Fogarino也在此时加入,顶替前鼓手的位置。2004年第二张专辑《Antics》发行时,Interpol已经从纽约当地传奇组合,一跃成为拥有惊人商业成就的知名乐队,他们成为众多专业音乐杂志的封面人物,并促成无数乐队模仿跟进,巡迴演出的足迹更遍及全球各大都市。
事实上自从首张专辑发行后,Interpol直到第二张专辑巡迴演出结束后,才得以挪出时间好好休息养声。乐团利用这段期间静下心来,回顾检视这几年窜红的历程,2006年初他们决心将一切化整为零,团员首度齐聚位于曼哈顿的录音室,在乐迷三年漫长的等待之后,Interpol转投新东家,发表第三张彷若新生的录音室作品《Our Love To Admire》。虽然乐队的製作功力有目共赌,此次他们特别礼聘一线製作人Rich Costey(Franz Ferdinand, Muse, Mars Volta)共同合作监製,打造出更胜往昔的崭新样貌。〈Mammoth〉魅惑动人的指数堪称首见;〈Pace Is the Trick〉高潮迭起的编曲,他们一如往昔游刃有馀;歌词意境精准绝妙的〈Rest My Chemistry〉亦是碟内惊喜;〈The Lighthouse〉有如一首哀凄恸绝的輓歌,放在专辑结尾却有如对乐队重生的礼讚。
by Heather PharesThough Our Love to Admire is technically Interpol's first major-label album, the way the band attempted to streamline the gorgeously dark atmospherics of Turn on the Bright Lights into something more marketable on Antics made that album feel more like their big-time debut than this album does. On Our Love to Admire, Interpol spends roughly half their time following Antics' gameplan of distilling their sound into readily accessible hooks, and the other half stretching their sound with deluxe arrangements and filligrees like strings, brass, and keyboards (all of which are used to grandiose effect on &Wrecking Ball&). Our Love to Admire's poppy tracks have been polished into black patent leather brilliance: &No I in Threesome&'s jaunty, insistent rhythms and &The Heinrich Maneuver&'s relatively bright, bouncy attack show that Interpol has gotten better, or at least more accomplished, at transforming their sound into singles since Antics. More heartening news for Turn on the Bright Lights fans arrives on Our Love to Admire's ambitious tracks, some of which come close to touching the greatness of Interpol's debut. &Pioneer to the Falls& uses the album's expansive production to the hilt, beginning with elegantly treacherous guitars, strings, and pianos; Daniel Kessler's soaring guitar solo and Paul Banks' repeated entreaties of &you fly straight into my heart& feel like the musical equivalent of storm clouds clearing. The song is filmic and full of ideas, and updates the spirit behind Turn on the Bright Lights without rehashing its sound slavishly. &Mammoth& is another standout, a tense yet hypnotic rocker that builds into a graceful fury around the refrain &spare me the suspense& and the band's relentless rhythm section. However, two of the prettiest songs vie for the title of the album's strongest track: &Rest My Chemistry& is Our Love to Admire's languid, luminous centerpiece (and the song that most clearly recalls Turn on the Bright Lights' magic), while the album's spare, vulnerable finale, &The Lighthouse,& boasts some of Banks' most natural, affecting vocals yet. When Our Love to Admire falters -- and it falters a fair amount of the time -- it's because Interpol's attention to atmosphere and detail outpaces the songwriting. At this point the band is so professional that songs like &The Scale,& &Who Do You Think?,& and &Pace Is the Trick& can sound good in the moment, but fail to leave a lasting impression. With nearly as many awkward moments as inspired ones, Our Love to Admire is a somewhat schizophrenic listening experience. It feels like half of an album by a band making sure their songs that fit the mold of what they've done before, and half of an album by a band using their major-label leverage to push their boundaries. Who knows which version of the band will prevail, but there are just enough interesting songs on Our Love to Admire to suggest that they can't be written off entirely just yet.