以製作鬼才Pit Baumgartner为核心,成军于1997年的DePhazz,在「沙发音乐」蔚为风尚的那几年,可说是享誉全球的电音组合,其融入灵魂、放克、与爵士等经典复古元素的风格,更增添其音乐的耐听性,亦与其他同类型的组合作出区隔,时至今日,DePhazz仍拥有风靡时代的魅力!最新大碟《Naive》展现了时下都会民谣的轻盈,加上拉丁音乐元素如曼波、巴莎诺瓦的渗入,呈现出五彩缤纷的甜美乐章,完全脱离了过去驰放(Chill-Out)类型的节奏取向,并且增加Acoustic器乐的比重,电气味虽大大降低,但流行性、悦耳度却大为提升,DePhazz可说是为自己创造了跨越时代的新声,让乐迷继续愉悦畅游在其鬼斧神工的音乐国度裡。
De Phazz is a downtempo jazz ensemble integrating modern turntablism and elements of soul, Latin, trip hop and drum and bass into a lounge music sound. De Phazz is led by Pit Baumgartner, a German producer who has varied the lineup of artists for every new album. Some regular members are Barbara Lahr, Karl Frierson and Pat Appleton. Since the release of Detunized Gravity and Godsdog, De Phazz have appeared on the radar of listeners of equally innovative and sample-driven jazz by the likes of Amon Tobin and The Cinematic Orchestra. The band has released records on Mole Listening Pearls and Universal Jazz Germany along with single releases on Edel Records and United Recordings, and also remixes existing material.