当EF以一段流淌的钢琴和空灵的人声为新专辑《Ceremonies》开场时,相信所有人都会惊讶于他们此次的音乐转变。其实早在他们的第二张专辑《I Am Responsible》中,EF就已经对这种舒缓、悠扬的曲风有所尝试,但却从未像这次这般,谱写出如此动情的音乐,并以人声演唱贯穿始终——这与人们以往在现场看到的那支充满能量的EF可谓大相径庭。
作为开篇曲,《Bells Bleed & Bloom》的前奏听来颇有点Sigur Rós的味道,直到吉他和鼓点的渐次融入,属于EF的印记才逐渐凸显出来。之所以他们这次的转变能够清晰地被人察觉,正是源自这首开篇曲的引领——尽管在歌曲中段融入了较为激昂的管乐,但在EF的刻意控制下,整首歌的节奏和情绪始终保持在一条较为平缓的直线上,这便让人对整张专辑的风格走向产生了些许好奇。
《Yield, Heart. Yield!》则恰恰相反,这是首表面温和、内里粗暴的作品,在4分40秒处便原形毕露,加入了少许失真元素的吉他演奏总算让人找回了EF昔日标志性的特色。这首歌的高潮之处在于自9分24秒时响起的管乐吹奏,一瞬间,山河俱开,拨云见日,胸口的大石轰然碎裂——这种由旋律勾勒画面、再由画面牵动情绪的做法,正是EF(乃至许多Post-Rock乐队)最让人动容之处。同样宏大的管弦乐编排还出现在《Delusions Of Grandeur》里,这首歌之前也曾作为EP单曲发行,想必大家早已不陌生。
Daniel Öhman在采访中声称他们依然喜欢“踩下失真踏板的感觉”,这话一点也不假,尽管专辑的整体曲风有所转折,但听听他们在《Lake Vaettern》和《Where G. Mallory Sleeps》这两曲后半段近乎癫狂的表现吧,你依然会为此感到激动和敬畏。相较之下,《Sex》和收尾曲《Thee Barren Soil Of Messaure》则极力展现了一个轻灵空旷的世界——前者性感中不失忧伤,后者激昂后转为平静,最终由一段舒缓的钢琴独奏结束整张专辑,仿佛是对开篇曲的巧妙呼应。(By 啥啥啥)
2013 marks the 10 year celebration of EF’s existence and what better way is there than to celebrate this with the release of their 4th studio album! We’re happy and proud to announce that "Ceremonies“ will be released in September.
In autumn of 2012 the band released a glimpse of their ever evolving sound on the 10“ vinyl EP "Delusions of grandeur“, to rave reviews in both the alternative press and the metal media – the sound of that EP hinted at a new beginning; a potential infatuation with pop-ish song efforts? This is one of EF’s greatest strenghts. They appeal to both bearded indie rockers, horn throwing metal heads and intensely staring post-rockers at the same time. They can be heavy and fragile simultaneously, and they are not affraid to push their own boundaries.
"Ceremonies“ is once again an expedition through the landscape of sound that EF conjures up with great efficacy. Their love of melody and harmony alive, carried by heavy rythms, only to be dispersed into a sonic aurora borealis; with improved vocal and orchestral arrangements including more strings, horns, piano and even the use of synthesizers. And, once again given the carefully sculpted mix production by Magnus Lindberg (Cult Of Luna).