




Lindsay Lowend
Symbols Recordings


The Wind Fish EP is a collection of four concise, chip-tune-inspired tracks from the young DC area producer who calls himself Lindsay Lowend.

The EP is released on Kastle’s record label, Symbols Recordings. The experience of listening to the Wind Fish EP kind of reminds of playing Super Nintendo while blasting some hip-hop in the background. The starting track, “GT40” contains a number of interesting samples. Most obviously “Stuntin Like My Daddy,” maybe a sped-up vocal and Janet’s “Love Will Never Do (Without You)” and then it just gets kind of weird, yet awesome.

I’ve never personally been into “chip tunes” and that’s exactly why I would not call Lowend’s work strictly “chip tunes.” A lot of the melodies used—whether sampled or constructed, I’m unsure—are reminiscent of 90’s era console soundtracks. This is an interesting trend that I first noticed when Ryan Hemsworth sampled Donkey Kong Country’s OST on a mix he did for Scion in 2012 and later I heard the same sample flipped on a Childish Gambino track. The sampling of 1990’s and 2000’s era video games is both nostalgic and appropriate for producers who grew up in this era, and personally I find it weird that this has not been done sooner, or at least better.

Lindsay Lowend‘s Wind Fish EP brings a good deal to the table. Maybe video game samples have been done and maybe even together with rap samples, but Lowend’s EP is not just a mash-up of sounds. Lowend has created a sound that is approachable, fun, and most importantly, not corny – which has always been my big hold-up with chip tune records that try to strive too far for their own good.

You can stream the whole EP here and purchase it on iTunes.
