独立电影奇才Todd Solondz,是个典型郊区小孩、成长于纽泽西,在NYC电影硕士毕业后,自编自导的作品全都将焦点对准了类似的生活处境,以及那些用平常眼光看来简直是怪胎的角色们;而他不具批判意味的呈现方式,使得96年他的第三部作品《欢迎光临娃娃屋》(Welcome To The Dollhouse),成功赢得了日舞影展大奖;98年的黑色喜剧《爱我,就让我快乐》(Happiness)更被公推为满分经典!Todd Solondz因此成了独立制片观众的新宠,Belle And Sebastian那伙人显然也是其中之一,因此当他们接到Todd Solondz的邀约,为他的新片《Storytelling》谱写配乐时,便拉拔着大队人马从格拉斯哥前往纽约。
很难想象这么一群连媒体访问都不怎么愿意曝光的家伙,居然应允替他人作嫁,跟着剧情角色的指引与导演的要求,混着自己的想象,完成几乎是一张全新Belle And Sebastian的迷你专辑,除了那些用钢琴、口琴、竖琴等轻巧织就的,充满复古好莱坞经典的简短主题及其变奏,还有动用了铜管与弦乐组张罗出的情境配乐片段之外,我们还得到了几曲由主唱Stuart Murdoch、大提琴手Isobel Campbell与吉他手Stevie Jackson等人再度合力展现其清新魅力的甜美歌谣:诸如标题曲"Storytelling"及带点西班牙佛朗明哥风情调味"Wandering Alone"等,已成招牌的男女合声对唱如此美妙,绝对是Belle And Sebastian迷的梦幻逸品。压轴曲"Big John Shaft"则像是一记回马枪,态度一派云淡风轻,但歌词简直是暗讽好莱坞电影工业的极品。可惜这些成品最后只有六分多钟剪进了电影里,所以这张《Storytelling》严格说来已不能算是Todd Solondz电影的配乐,而是Belle & Sebastian自己诠释的《Storytelling》!
by Heather Phares
Much like the film Storytelling itself, which was drastically edited and censored before finally reaching theaters at a running time just short of 90 minutes, Belle & Sebastian's music for the movie barely appeared in the final cut. All of their work appears on Storytelling, for better or worse -- it's an occasionally jumbled, yet undeniably pleasant, collection that unsurprisingly feels like a hybrid of a proper Belle & Sebastian album and a more traditional film score. The strings, horns, and harmonicas that drive instrumental tracks like "Freak," "Night Walk," "Consuelo," and "Fuck This Shit" have a definite retro vibe that also extends to songs like "Wandering Alone" and "Black and White Unite," which sounds a bit like the band covering Simon & Garfunkel's soundtrack for The Graduate. Though some of the other songs, such as "I Don't Want to Play Football," are disappointingly short, more substantial songs like "Big John Shaft," the surprisingly upbeat "Scooby Driver," and the bouncy title track make the album worthwhile for die-hard Belle & Sebastian fans. The only real misstep is the inclusion of so much dialogue from the film -- it didn't work that well in the movie, and in this context it's especially distracting. In all, Storytelling is a frustrating release from Belle & Sebastian; it's not exactly a complete album, it's not as satisfying as their best EPs, and yet it displays enough of the group's charm that it's difficult to dismiss entirely.