在陆续更换了鼓手Simon Wright和Chris Slade后,乐队选择了加拿大人Bruce Fairbairn作他们的制作人。专辑The Razors Edge于1990年9月发行。这张专辑销量巨大,它登上了英国排行榜的第4位、美国排行榜第2位。The Razors Edge使得AC/DC的全球唱片销量总数达到6千万张。这张专辑的音乐在某种程度上回到过去那种略带邪恶的感觉,这对于核心的金属迷来说无疑是个好的转变。
Although AC/DC's popularity had decreased by the early '90s, the band still had a lot of life left in it. Arguably the Australian headbangers' strongest album in over half a decade, The Razor's Edge is quintessential AC/DC -- rowdy, abrasive, unapologetically fun metal full of blistering power chords, memorable hooks, and testosterone-driven lyrics. Lead singer Brian Johnson sounds more inspired than he had since 1983's Flick of the Switch, and lead guitarist Angus Young isn't about to take any prisoners on such hard-hitting material as "Shot of Love," the menacing title song, and the appropriately titled "Got You By the Balls." Although not quite in a class with Back in Black, Highway to Hell, or Let There Be Rock -- all of which would, for novices, serve as fine introductions to the distinctive band -- The Razor's Edge was a welcome addition to AC/DC's catalog.