






◎ 拿下葛莱美喝采的创意无限欢乐团队第4次出击

◎ 交给Mercury Rev贝斯手Dave Fridmann(The Flaming Lips、Weezer)+多次葛莱美入围肯定的Tony Hoffer(Beck、Suede)指引音乐新方向

◎ 导入更多电子音效,反映出受到Prince、Inxs、New Order等前辈影响的格调

★AllMusic (4/5)推崇:「持续留下深刻好音乐」

★AP (4/5)力捧:「优于前些作品之风格更为直接明瞭」

★Paste (7.8/10)好评:「在媒体上大胆追求创意,仍旧令人大感兴奋」

是否各位一听到OK Go的名字,就会愉悦的会心一笑?创意奇想且拍案叫绝的视觉飨宴,靠著一连串MV拍摄,征服网路影音平台,就连葛莱美也逃不过OK Go的魔掌,高难度的跑步机舞〈Here It Goes Again〉,拿下「最佳短篇音乐录影」奖项喝采。但是,青春洋溢,复古味浓,又带著流畅声线的音乐基底,精神饱满的Power-Pop振奋人心,讨喜的不由随乐起舞,OK Go提供视听双感官的破表爽快度!

乐团名字的由来,只是因为主唱Damian Kulash和贝斯手Tim Nordwind的美术老师,在他们画图前,都会说「OK…GO!」就这麽间单。2002年发行见面礼〈Get Over It〉,The Guardian形容:「呈现如同Pixies式充沛的能量」,成为电玩「三网融合棒球2002」、「劲爆美式足球2003」的重点衬曲还不打紧,〈Don’t Ask Me〉、〈You’re So Damn Hot〉一贯欢乐到底的风格,又是极限电玩、电影和电视影集争相运用之歌,成为媒体最爱新宠儿!2005和2010年分别推出《Oh No》、《Of the Blue Colour of the Sky》两张专辑,相继送上认真的搞笑舞〈A Million Ways〉、跑步机舞〈Here It Goes Again〉、色彩鲜艳又眼花撩乱的〈WTF〉、拍摄仪队秀+高超骨牌秀两个版本〈This Too Shall Pass〉、可爱狗儿大会串〈White Knuckles〉、快转速度之〈End Love〉……等MV,OK Go凭著源源不绝的创意,一再琐住众人目光,同对曲风多变、力求创新的理念,引领一次又一次的音乐革命,踏上耐人寻味的奇幻之旅!

不仅要满足乐迷久候的双耳,还要均衡寻求刺激的双眼,OK Go发片比一般乐团忙碌且费尽心思,这一次企图喂饱飢渴灵魂的新作《Hungry Ghosts》,花费两年时间写歌,交出40首左右的Demo带,交给Mercury Rev贝斯手Dave Fridmann(MGMT、The Flaming Lips、Weezer)+多次葛莱美入围肯定的Tony Hoffer(Beck、Supergrass、Suede)指引音乐新方向,更是从许多录製出的不同版本和片段裡头,找寻最这当的方向,导入更多电子合成音效,反映出受到Prince、Inxs、New Order等前辈影响的格调,写满正反两面的各方情谊关系。大玩视觉错觉艺术的MV主推〈The Writing's on the Wall〉,加入雀跃起舞的Disco气流,蹦跳闯入告示牌热门摇滚榜第10名;交织Funk和Synthpop强烈撞击后的〈Turn Up the Radio〉,爽朗的力道过瘾至极;著迷幻丽的〈Obsession〉,增添科技感声频窜动其中;Disco-Funk的摇摆律动涂满〈I Won't Let You Down〉,非常肯定,OK Go这次真的没让乐迷失望,一路Fun到底,感受淋漓奔放的态势!

Hungry Ghosts is the upcoming fourth studio album by American alternative rock band OK Go. It was produced by Dave Fridmann, with the exception of "The Writing's on the Wall," the album's lead single, which was produced by Tony Hoffer and peaked at number one on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles and number ten on the Hot Rock Songs charts. The record will be more electronic and modern than their three previous studio albums.

With the exception of "The Writing's on the Wall", which was produced by Tony Hoffer, most of the album was produced by Dave Fridmann at his New York studio Tarbox Road. Production began with the listening sessions, where the members sent in about 40 demos. They also discussed how different they would produce from their previous records and how they would change their sound. The group had spent two years writing material, beginning with no idea how the music would sound. According to Fridmann, they decided to use a combination of Pro Tools and Reason, so "everything was elastic. Everything was synced up to a Reason track, so we could edit in both worlds, and we set up the studio with five different stations. We had the main A and B studios with my stuff, and three alternate rooms so all five of us had our own workspace." He described the development of the songs in an interview with Mix Online:

“We’d just go from room to room,” Fridmann continues. “You’d work on whatever song you wanted for a while, and then you’d get tired or run out of ideas, and then you’d go listen to somebody else’s room for a while and make comments on what they were doing. Somebody else would be listening to your stuff and they’d give comments back. We just kept walking around the building in a circle, commenting on each other’s work and improving each other’s work.

The vocals were mainly recorded using Neumann U 7 and Sennheiser 421 mics, with a Neve 8801 occasionally be used if necessary. Several guitar amps were used in making the album, including a Selmer and 1950s Fender Princeton amp. The guitars were tracked with a Bock 251 mic. On the drums, an Electro-Voice 868 mic was used for the kick, a Neumann 105 for the snare, and DPA 4006s for the overheads. An E-V RE27 was used to track bass guitar. Fridmann said that "a lot of the interesting sounds on this album originated inside of Reason. We did a lot of programming, and that made it easy to transfer files; no matter what you did in a Thor synthesizer, you could take it to somebody else’s Reason station and it sounds the same. Then we could speed it up, slow it down, do whatever we want."
