by Chris Nickson
The question, of course, is why? It may be fashionable to remix everything in sight, but that doesn't mean it's always a good idea. Salif Keita garnered universally good reviews for his Moffou release, a return to African roots after wandering through the elliptical, dangerous woods of fusion music. It worked perfectly well as it was -- it didn't need to be tinkered with. Even worse, there's no subtlety about any of the work here; half of the pieces sound like they've been tossed off during a coffee break from more lucrative projects, with on-the-cheap beats and ambience that would make Brian Eno laugh. This isn't a disc that needs a &groove& or a &tribal sound&; what it needed was to be left alone. Proceed at your own peril, and remember, abandon hope all ye who enter here.