★【Come On Over】:以全球3500万张销售佳绩,同步改写女艺人在流行榜与乡村榜最佳单张专辑最高销售纪录
★【The Woman In Me】:荣获葛莱美奖「最佳乡村专辑」,连推4首乡村榜冠军单曲
首开性感美艳路线的乡村天后Shania Twain,以『The Woman In Me』(’95)、『Come On Over』(’97)、『Up!』(2002)缔造了全美音乐史上唯一一位连续拥有3张获颁钻石唱片销售认证的女歌手。2002年底,藉由第4张专辑『Up!』展现音乐世界化的企图,专辑中19首歌分别录制了很火的摇滚版、悠闲的节奏感觉版以及西部乡村版,流露她出道以来最多样的音乐风情,专辑在美销售逾百万张。Shania总计囊括了全球超过上百座音乐奖,其中有5座是葛莱美奖,而历年专辑全球总销量则已惊人突破6500万张天量。
【Come On Over 回到我身边】享有乡村天后地位的Shania在1997年第3张专辑【Come On Over】中,将流行摇滚与古典弦乐、民谣摇滚作多元融合,并在音乐录像带的视觉以及造型上赋予亮丽妩媚的包装,专辑接续以“You’re Still The One”等5首单曲凌厉攻占英美Top10,顺利突破乡村乐的藩篱,创造了她歌唱生涯的又一个奇迹,晋升为与席琳狄翁、玛丽亚凯莉等人平起平坐的流行天后。【Come On Over】以全球3500万张销售佳绩,同步改写女艺人在流行榜与乡村榜最佳单张专辑最高销售纪录!
【The Woman In Me 女人本色】Shania成功将乡村乐彻底改造,把重摇滚的劲道与流行乐的流畅编曲手法带到乡村乐,1995年第2张专辑【The Woman In Me】就在这样的创新手法下,连续推出4首乡村榜冠军单曲,包括“Any Man Of Mine”、“No One Needs To Know”、“You Win My Love”、“(If You’re Not In It For Love) I’m Outta Here!”…等。
The Woman in Me, released on February 7, 1995, is the second studio album released by Shania Twain and her first with the majority of the songs co-written by her. It went onto become her biggest-selling recording at the time of its release, selling 4 million copies by the end of the year, and was eventually certified 12× Platinum by the RIAA on December 1, 2000, representing 12 million shipments throughout the United States, and 20 million copies worldwide.