







范宗沛 大提琴 x 李哲音 竖琴

A Time of Elegance

Fan Tsung-pei/ Cello Li Che-yin/ Harp

优雅时光 范宗沛 大提琴 x 李哲音 竖琴 TCD-5330

A Time of Elegance Fan Tsung-pei/ Cello Li Che-yin/ Harp

倚着典雅的姿态 带来和煦的温度

范宗沛 x 李哲音 二重奏献礼



以纯粹精炼的二重奏形式 诠释15首耳熟能详的经典名曲

时光横越巴洛克、古典、浪漫到现代 怀旧中透着优雅的情调

在大提琴抒情如歌的诉说 及竖琴细致柔美的唱和中



01 咏叙调 / 巴赫 J.S. Bach: Arioso from Cantata BWV 156

02 世界的盟约 / 木村弓 Youmi Kimura: Global Alliance


03 梦幻曲 / 舒曼 R.Schumann:“Träumerei”from Kinderszenen, Op.15

04 心动 / 黄韵玲 Kay Huang: Heartbeat


05 小夜曲 / 舒伯特 F. Schubert: Serenata D.957 from Schwanengesang

06 精灵之舞 / 葛路克

C. W. Gluck:“The Dance of Blessed Spirit”from Orfeo ed Euridice

07 公主彻夜未眠 / 普契尼 G.Puccini: “Nessun Dorma” from Turandot


08 悲歌 / 柴可夫斯基 P. Tchaikovsky: Chanson Triste, Op.40 No.2

09 乡间骑士间奏曲 / 马斯卡尼 Mascagni: Intermezzo from Cavalleria rusticana


10 遗忘 / 皮耶佐拉 Piazzola: Oblivion


11 远离非洲 / 约翰.巴瑞 John Barry: Out of Africa


12 e小调第五号交响曲第二章 / 柴可夫斯基

P. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5 in e minor, Op.64, movⅡ

13 第五号大提琴无伴奏:色拉邦德 / 巴赫

J.S. Bach: Suite for Cello solo No.5 in C minor, Sarabande

14 今夜星光灿烂 / 普契尼 G.Puccini: “E lucevan le stele” from Tosca


15 活力充沛 / 坂本龙一 Sakamoto Ryuichi: Energy Flow


Fan Tsung-pei, cellist and genius in musical accompaniment, teams up with Li Che-yin, a musician from a long line of harpists, in the interpretation of 15 familiar classics in duet style. Styles they navigate span the Baroque, classical and romantic periods to those of the modern day in expressing an elegant ambience within a feeling of nostalgia. Through the sentimental story expressed in song by the cello and the delicate softness of the harp’s responses, they have produced a romantic poetry in duet.



ⓟ2014 WIND MUSIC International Corporation.

©2014 WIND MUSIC International Corporation.




咏叙调 作曲:巴赫 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0016-1

Arioso from Cantata BWV 156

* composed by J.S. Bach * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

此曲选自巴赫的清唱剧 (Cantata),这是17世纪初源于意大利的一种声乐曲锦集,它包含有独唱、重唱、合唱等不同形式,并由乐器所伴奏。发展至巴赫这位虔诚教徒的手上后,他以「奉献」为主题创作的宗教清唱剧,使得这个乐种更加蓬勃而为世人所熟识。这首作品编号BWV 156中著名片段的咏叙调 (Arioso) ,在大提琴与竖琴的诠释下,更展现了温暖光辉。

世界的盟约 作曲:木村弓 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0017-1

Global Alliance * composed by Youmi Kimura * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

OP: Studio Ghibli Inc. SP: Sony Music Publishing (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch


03 梦幻曲 作曲:舒曼 编曲:范宗沛 TW-C01-14-0018-1

“Träumerei” from Kinderszenen, Op.15

* composed by R.Schumann * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei

德国浪漫派作曲家舒曼的这首曲子,是他所写的13首钢琴套曲《儿时情景》(Kinderszenen, Op.15) 其中之一,也是最著名的一首。这系列据传为舒曼写给妻子克拉拉 (Clara Schumann),而如梦似幻的〈梦幻曲〉,因细致浪漫的旋律、舒缓平和的节奏,深受世人喜爱而广为流传。此版以大提琴担任各个声部的不同旋律,别有宁静之味。

04 心动 作曲:黄韵玲 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0019-1

Heartbeat * composed by Huang Kay * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

OP: 欢乐资源国际股份有限公司 (Admin by EMI MPT)

EMI MUSIC Publishing (S. E. ASIA) Ltd., Taiwan


05 小夜曲 作曲:舒伯特 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0020-1

Serenata D.957 from Schwanengesang

* composed by F. Schubert * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

擅长写作艺术歌曲的浪漫派音乐家舒伯特,遗留给世人许多隽永的抒情小品。这首小夜曲是以诗人雷斯塔波 (Ludwig Rellstab) 的诗所创作,在他逝世后由出版商收录在《天鹅之歌》(Schwanengesang, Swan song) 歌曲集,是此系列的代表作。竖琴这次取代了艺术歌曲里钢琴伴奏的角色,更显诗词中的柔情蜜意。

06 精灵之舞 作曲:葛路克 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0021-1

“The Dance of Blessed Spirit” from Orfeo ed Euridice

* composed by C. W. Gluck * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

生于18世纪初期的葛路克,是一位多产而致力于歌剧改革的德国作曲家。这首〈精灵之舞〉即是出自于他著名的歌剧《奥菲欧与尤丽迪茜》(Orfeo ed Euridice)。故事主角奥菲欧(即Orpheus)为希腊神话中的诗人,这一幕音乐描写了他为寻回死去的妻子尤丽迪茜,途中遇见精灵们并乞求他们协助的景象,诗意的旋律中充满忧伤。

07公主彻夜未眠 作曲:普契尼 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0022-1

“Nessun Dorma” from Turandot

* composed by G.Puccini * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

浪漫派意大利作曲家普契尼,曾写下许多脍炙人口的歌剧作品,而这首选自《杜兰朵公主》的名曲〈公主彻夜未眠〉,为剧中卡拉夫王子 (Calaf) 所演唱,描写杜兰朵公主要求全城彻夜不眠,为她寻找王子姓名的桥段。此曲后由三大男高音帕华洛帝的经典诠释,并在1990年作为意大利世界杯足球赛的主题曲,因而声名大噪,至今传唱不已。

08 悲歌 作曲:柴可夫斯基 编曲:范宗沛 TW-C01-14-0023-1

Chanson Triste, Op.40 No.2 * composed by P. Tchaikovsky * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei


09 乡间骑士间奏曲 作曲:马斯卡尼 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0024-1

Intermezzo from Cavalleria rusticana

* composed by Mascagni * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

《乡间骑士》为意大利作曲家马斯卡尼的歌剧代表作,故事改编自小说家兼剧作家乔望尼.维尔加 (Giovanni Verga) 的作品。这部歌剧作品为篇幅短小而紧凑的独幕剧,并以诸多间奏曲串连,而这首间奏曲因曲调优美,成为人们最熟知的一段,也是电影配乐的常客。

10 遗忘 作曲:皮耶佐拉 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0025-1

Oblivion * composed by Piazzola * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

OP: A. PANAGI S. r. l. SP: Rock Music Publishing Co., Ltd.


11 远离非洲 作曲:约翰.巴瑞 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0026-1

Out of Africa * composed by John Barry * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

OP: USI B Music Publishing SP: Universal Ms Publ Ltd.


12 e小调第五号交响曲第二章 作曲:柴可夫斯基 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音

Symphony No.5 in e minor, Op.64, movⅡ TW-C01-14-0027-1

* composed by P. Tchaikovsky * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin


13第五号大提琴无伴奏:萨拉邦德 作曲:巴赫 TW-C01-14-0028-1

Suite for Cello solo No.5 in C minor, Sarabande * composed by J.S. Bach

巴赫的无伴奏大提琴作品,可说是大提琴演奏家口袋都需具备的典藏曲目。这系列作品一共有六组,每一组都由前奏曲 (Prelude)、阿列曼德 (Allemande)、库朗 (Courante)、萨拉邦德 (Sarabande)、华丽曲 (Galanteries)、吉格 (Gigue) 所组成。「萨拉邦德」则是一种早期流行于西班牙、南美洲的舞蹈,后来在巴洛克时期成为宫廷舞蹈,而当时的曲子常以舞蹈来命名,是此类组曲的特色之一。

14 今夜星光灿烂 作曲:普契尼 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0029-1

“E lucevan le stele” from Tosca

* composed by G.Puccini * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

此曲是普契尼歌剧作品《托斯卡》中,除了第二幕「为了艺术为了爱」(Vissi d`arte) 之外最著名的咏叹调,同时也是该剧高潮结束的终曲。如同他多数歌剧中,擅长描写可歌可泣的爱情故事般,这首由剧中男角卡瓦拉多希 (Cavaradossi) 献唱给女主角托斯卡的歌曲,在三大男高音多明哥的诠释下,成了更加不朽的经典曲目。

15 活力充沛 作曲:坂本龙一 编曲:范宗沛、李哲音 TW-C01-14-0030-1

Energy Flow * composed by Sakamoto Ryuichi * arranged by Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

OP: KAB America Inc. SP: Sony Music Publishing (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch






-- 范宗沛

敬我亲爱的父亲–台湾竖琴教父 李武男,


-- 李哲音

I dedicate this album solely to my mother.

Even though she can no longer recognize her loved ones,

her spirit still maintains a profound recollection of my music.

--Fan Tsung-pei

In tribute to my dear father, Li Wu-nan, the godfather of the harp in Taiwan.

May I, who have amounted to nothing, make you proud some day.

--Li Che-yin






1996 以电影《超级大国民》获得第32届金马奖「最佳电影配乐奖」

1997 大提琴专辑《欲望的声音》获第8届金曲奖「最佳流行音乐演奏专辑奖」

1998 以万仁执导的电影《超级公民》荣获亚太影展最佳电影配乐奖

1999 为公共电视戏剧《曾经》、《汪洋中的一条船》、《将军碑》配乐,并同时以《曾经》、《将军碑》入围最佳音效奖,最后由《曾经》获奖

2003 公视文学大戏白先勇长篇小说《孽子》配乐,获金钟奖最佳音效奖

2004 《孽子》专辑获第15届金曲奖「最佳流行音乐演奏专辑奖」

2014 《望.不忘春风》专辑入围第13届美国独立音乐奖「器乐专辑奖」



李哲音从事竖琴演出工作十余年,活跃于各式商业演出及艺文展演。近年致力于古典及流行音乐改编而深受好评。2007年为女高音詹怡嘉「Je te Veux我渴望」专辑编曲,2009年为创亚洲纪录之「百台竖琴千万爱心」慈善音乐会编曲。


Fan Tsung-pei, The Cellist

Fan Tsung-pei has been named a genius of musical accompaniment. Both a cellist and composer, he is currently the first chair in the National Symphony Orchestra and has been with said orchestra for nine years.

Fan has been involved in the composition, arrangement and performance for countless films, TV programs, plays and musical albums. He is one of the few musicians who have won awards at the Golden Melody Awards, the Golden Bell Awards, the Golden Horse Awards and the Asia Pacific Film Festival. His early, well-known works include Cold Nights, Once Upon a Time, Crystal Boys and Dana Sakura. In recent years, he has also been involved in musical composition for plays such as the aboriginal drama Pu’ing.

His delicate, touching style wanders casually through classical, new age, jazz, pop and other genres. In the midst of playing with notes and creativity, he has created a vivid, heart-moving standard for music of this era.

1996 Won Best Music Award for the film Super Citizen Ko at the 32nd Golden Horse Awards.

1997 Won Best Instrumental Album for The Sounds of Amorous at the 8th Golden Melody Awards.

1998 Won Best Music for Connection by Fate (directed by Wan Jen) at the Asia Pacific Film Festival.

1999 Composed music for Public Television programs Once Upon a Time, He Never Gives Up, and The General’s Stone Tablet. Nominated for Best Sound Award at the Golden Bell Awards for The General’s Stone Tablet and Once Upon a Time, winning the award for the latter.

2003 Composed music for Public Television’s interpretation of Pai Hsien-yung’s novel Crystal Boys and won Best Sound Award at the Golden Bell Awards for it.

2004 Won Best Instrumental Album at the 15th Golden Melody Awards for Crystal Boys.

2014 Nominated for Best Instrumental Album for Longing for the Unforgettable Spring Breeze at the American Independent Music Awards

Li Che-yin, The Harpist

Li Che-yin comes from a long line of harpists. From a young age, he began learning from his father, Li Wu-nan. At age seven, he began performing on tour with his father and elder brother all over Taiwan. In 2002, Li won first place for popular music at the first Taiwan Harpists Association National Harp Competition, that being the first harp-playing competition in ten years at the time. As a result, Li was invited to perform at the National Concert Hall by the organizers of the Taiwan Harpists Association Harp Marathon.

Li has worked as a performer for over 10 years, active in all kinds of commercial performances and art showcases. He has devoted himself in recent years to classical and pop music adaptations which have received high acclamation. In 2007, he arranged music for female soprano Gigi Chan’s album Je te Veux. In 2009, he arranged music for the Asian-record-breaking charity concert Harp 100 Charity Event.

He is currently working as a contributing arranger for the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra and as a full-time harpist and arranger for the Trinity Chamber Orchestra, the Artist Chamber Orchestra and the Greenery Chamber Orchestra.




竖 琴:李哲音


录音、混音:何庆堂 / 潮流录音室

母带后制处理:何庆堂 / 潮流录音室

风潮音乐国际股份有限公司 出版发行

监 制:杨锦聪



企 划:唐文君

文 案:唐文君

英文翻译:Matthew Mueller


摄 影:黄雷蒙

美术设计:周正道、陈嵩岚 / 9D Visual


宣 传:曹慈芳

Producer/ Fan Tsung-pei

Cello/ Fan Tsung-pei

Harp/ Li Che-yin

Musical Arrangement/ Fan Tsung-pei, Li Che-yin

Recording and Mixing Engineer/ Ho Ching-tang at Trend Studio

Post-mastering Engineer/ Ho Ching-tang at Trend Studio

Production Supervisor / Yang Chint-sung

Music Supervisor / Wu Judy Chin-tai

Planning Director / Yu Su-ying

Project Executive / Tang Wun-jyun

Liner Notes/ Tang Wun-jyun

English Translated by Matthew Mueller

English Edited by Wu Susan Su-chen

Photographer/ Huang Raymond

Graphic Design by Zhou Zheng-dao & Chen Song-lan, 9D Visual Creation

Promotion & Agent Director/ Ou Heidi Jia-hua

Promotion/ Tsao Cih-fan


优雅时光 范宗沛 大提琴 x 李哲音 竖琴 TCD-5330

A Time of Elegance Fan Tsung -pei/ Cello & Li Che-yin/ Harp

ⓟ2014 WIND MUSIC International Corporation.

©2014 WIND MUSIC International Corporation.


