这张专辑是Billie Holiday个人最钟爱的一张由她自己所灌录的专辑,本张专辑完成后18个月,Billie就因酗酒问题而以44岁之龄在一片扼腕声中如慧星般殒落。在这张录之于1958年的专辑,Billie初入歌坛的甜美歌声已不复见,取而代之的是她历尽人事沧桑后,透露饱受折磨心境的沙嗓音。本张专辑并非为了取悦听者而录製,相反地,或许你会因Billie纯然的真心吐露而感动得泫然欲泣。
从专辑一开场的抒情曲“I’m A Fool To Want You”开始,听者的心情就被Billie自肺腑迴荡出的字字句句缓缓拖曳到情绪底层,这首亦为另一位着名小喇叭手兼歌手Chet Baker代表作的歌曲,在两位歌者口中,同样薰搧出泛黄的伤心回忆。
“It’s Easy To Rememher”是另一段闻之心酸的失意恋曲,Billie如注册商标的团,以及浓郁的蓝调唱腔,在这首歌裡淋漓尽现。忧鬱的“Glad To Be Unhappy”中,伸缩喇叭大师J.J. Johnson以精湛的技巧,与Billie无可挑剔的敏锐音感,共同搭筑成和谐但晖染哀愁的小品。张重新处理过音效的高音质重发行专辑,较原版本多收录了四首于不同时间录製的专辑歌曲版本,更写实地纪录下Billie当时的录音情况及心情,是了解Billie Holiday生前最后岁月的珍贵范本。
by Scott Yanow
This is the most controversial of all Billie Holiday records. Lady Day herself said that this session (which finds her accompanied by Ray Ellis' string orchestra) was her personal favorite, and many listeners have found her emotional versions of such songs as "I'm a Fool to Want You," "You Don't Know What Love Is," "Glad to Be Unhappy," and particularly "You've Changed" to be quite touching. But Holiday's voice was essentially gone by 1958, and although not yet 43, she could have passed for 73. Ellis' arrangements do not help, veering close to Muzak; most of this record is very difficult to listen to. Late in life, Holiday expressed the pain of life so effectively that her croaking voice had become almost unbearable to hear. There is certainly a wide range of opinion as to the value of this set. [The 1997 CD reissue adds two alternate takes of "I'm a Fool to Want You," part of which were used for the original released rendition, plus the stereo version of "The End of a Love Affair" (only previously released in mono) and examples of Lady Day rehearsing the latter song, including a long unaccompanied stretch.]