by Ben Davies
Link Wray's release prior to Be What You Want To had proven the man's versatility. The self-titled album had obvious influences coming from many different genres including R&B, country, blues and, of course, rock. Be What You Want To continues this trend. Country-rock, country, rock-and-roll; it's all here. This diverse range of genres may not be to everyone's liking, however, and the album must be approached with an open mind.
Wray employed a huge number of musicians to play on Be What You Want To, including Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia. Of course, the main part of the talent comes from Link Wray himself. His amazing ability as lyricist, songwriter, and musician is noticeably brought to the fore on this album.
Be What You Want To is consistently enjoyable to listen to and always impressive musically. The man's growling vocals and rocking guitar will undoubtedly enthrall many first-time listeners and also keep long time fans happy.