一边听着这张新唱片《NYC Ghosts &Flowers》,一边看着各大媒体的评论。《滚石》依然称赞有加;《导向》给了8分的高分;CMJ给了一个B。还有评论称他们为“摇滚恐龙”,还有评论称他们为“艺术摇滚的老人政治家”……,不过最特别的是一个普通听众写的一句话:“抱歉,这张专辑太糟糕了,没一首好歌,我永远不会再买他们的唱片了。我买这张唱片是想给他们一个机会,但太让我失望了。Nirvana现在在哪里?”或褒或贬,不一而足。的确,评论界对Sonic Youth的态度一直泾渭分明,赞扬者将之视为神灵,批评者将之看成粪土。
且不管人们去怎么争论他们,单说这张唱片,专辑的名字在告诉人们,这支毕业于Lou Reed噪音学校的乐队也开始像他的师傅一样出一张New York概念的专辑,毕竟他们已经在这个城市居住了20年,纽约,他们展示给我们的还是阴暗、邪恶。同时,为了延续他们实验的火种,请来了大名鼎鼎的Jim O Rourke,这个具有另类Brian Eno之称的制作人的确给我们带来了十分恐怖的噪音。
专辑倒不是没一首好歌,“Free City Rhymes”就是一首佳作,几乎所有美国的媒体都象事先约定好的一样将之称为“史诗”,我倒没有听出怎么史诗来,不过这首7分多钟的歌曲听起来确实很过瘾,由轻到重,由静到噪,当刺耳的噪音把人折磨到极限时,嘎然而止。实验嘛,就是这样,后来发现专辑中所有的歌曲差不多都是这个套路。另一首长度差不多的是“NYC Ghosts&Flowers”,Thurston Moore催眠般的演唱让人很不适应。其实仔细听下去,发现专辑里的吉他、鼓的演奏很特别——两种乐器纯粹是为了噪音而出现的,别想从里面找到什么和声或是节奏。
Hot on the heels of Goodbye 20th Century, Sonic Youth's tribute to avant-garde masters like Pauline Oliveros and John Cage, came NYC Ghosts & Flowers, an attempt to commemorate the dangerous, bohemian New York of old in a similar way. Though it sports an Allen Ginsberg-inspired title and artwork by William Burroughs, the album lacks the visceral, immediate impact of the best beat poetry and seems driven by self-consciousness instead of stream-of-consciousness. Its most uncomfortable moments spring from its beat generation inspirations, such as Thurston Moore's awkward monologue &Small Flowers Crack Concrete.& Even worse, &Lightnin&'s dissonant, stabbing guitars and Kim Gordon's woozy vocals almost ruin the impact of Lee Ranaldo's epic title track, which is the closest NYC Ghosts & Flowers comes to blending the album's deadpan vocals and sonic maelstroms successfully. Sonic Youth still seems to be atoning for their more accessible, early '90s sound, particularly on &StreamXSonik Subway,& a rant about NYC's increasing authoritarianism. However, NYC Ghosts & Flowers isn't dismissible. &Free City Rhymes& is another of their dreamy yet prickly guitarscapes; &Renegade Princess& recalls the group's early art-punk; and Kim Gordon's &Side2Side& and &Nevermind (What Was It Anyway)& are sullenly sensual (though the latter song features the lyrical nadir &Boys go to Jupiter/Get more stupider&). Considering that this was recorded shortly after all of Sonic Youth's irreplaceable, custom-tweaked guitars were stolen, it's frustrating that they tried to recreate their old sound with new gear instead of exploring new ideas. NYC Ghosts & Flowers will chase away any remaining fair-weather fans hoping for another &Sugar Kane& or &Kool Thing,& but it doesn't offer much for diehards, who may prefer the undiluted experiments of the group's SYR EPs. Ultimately, the album is equally uncompromising and frustrating.