




Atlantic Records




*由貝斯手Eric Bass擔綱製作的主打「Cut The Cord」,已火速登上美國主流搖滾榜冠軍席次,成為第19支TOP5猛歌!

就算搖滾風格月異日新,仍然堅持Post-Grunge潮派的Shinedown,開出全球超過600萬的總銷售數字,一連推出18首單曲,全部送入告示牌主流搖滾榜前5強,其中8首直奔冠軍,聲勢仍舊頂旺的勇闖歌壇,震撼聽覺的滔天巨浪,也是摔角比賽節目的最愛,從WWE Extreme Rules、WrestleMania 22、WWE No Mercy 2005、WWE Night Of Champions 2008、WrestleMania XXV和XXVII…等歷屆賽事中,深刻體驗Shinedown的剽悍,就連電視、電影、電玩、極限遊戲,也是各傳媒排隊邀歌的配樂!

和Nickelback、Creed、Matchbox Twenty走同一路線的Shinedown,來自佛羅里達州,由原始主唱Brent Smith和鼓手Barry Kerch帶領前行,曾在貝斯和吉他手互換職務的Zach Myers、加上2008年入替的貝斯/鋼琴手Eric Bass,打造現今的4人隊形。2003年首張專輯“Leave A Whisper”,僅拿下美國流行榜第53名,卻一路長賣締造全球超過150萬的銷售量,且後勁十足,接續帶動“Us And Them”、“The Sound Of Madness”、就連英國也攀上排行18名之“Amaryllis”…等作品買氣,並曾入圍全美音樂獎『最佳另類搖滾樂團』大獎喝采!早在2012年就已開始籌備“Threat To Survival”新碟,稍稍收斂狂妄氣燄,將節奏轉為慢板,但是,別以為猛爆感應消失殆盡,轉為探討人性更為黑暗層面,醞釀3年之久,終告發行!

誠如Shinedown所言,順著先前概念持續進行,提供最具自傳性的一張作品“Threat To Survival”,論及所有團員面對危機處理與意見分歧的原始本能和判斷能力,選擇勇於解決亦或逃之夭夭。Brent強調這一次的同心協力,大夥求好心切的抉擇,讓彼此更加團結,證明Shinedown仍處於巔峰狀態!貝斯手Eric Bass擔綱製作的主打「Cut The Cord」,詭譎音場瀰漫序幕氛圍,厚實的吉他音牆堅不可摧,完整包覆重裝搖滾的悍力,火速登上美國主流搖滾榜冠軍席次,成為樂團第19支TOP5之歌;隨後送上的「Black Cadillac」,情緒起伏頗大,從順暢旋律替換波濤洶湧音浪,中段失序的噪音碰撞甚是醒目,同時勾勒藍調靈魂的叛逆奔放,振奮又和諧的樂章不斷交錯,相信Shinedown賜予優良Post-Grunge、Hard Rock的調性,仍能替搖滾略顯薄弱的歌壇,帶來一次強大的衝擊!

Threat to Survival is Shinedown's fifth overall studio album. It was announced on August 7th 2015 on the bands official social media pages such as Twitter, Facebook & Instagram stating, "We can’t thank you enough for your patience, we have poured our entire being into these songs and into this album. We are beyond proud and can’t wait for you to hear it, we believe it is worth the wait." But on June 29th of 2015 the band released their single entitled "Cut the Cord".

Atlantic recording group SHINEDOWN has announced the release of its much-anticipated new album. "Threat To Survival" — the rock band's first new album in three years — arrives everywhere on September 18. "Threat To Survival" follows 2012's RIAA gold-certified "Amaryllis". The album — which includes the #1 rock radio smash "Cut The Cord" — is available for pre-order beginning today on the band's web site and all other online retailers.

"'Threat To Survival' refers to that primal instinct in all of us that determines how we respond to crisis and conflict — the idea of 'fight or flight' and the choices we make in any given situation," explains SHINEDOWN frontman Brent Smith. "This album represents those deciding moments for us as a band. It's a collection of scenarios that made us who we are, and is, by far, the most autobiographical album we've created to date."

"Cut The Cord" — produced by SHINEDOWN's own Eric Bass — arrived last month and fast ascended to #1 at Active Rock radio outlets across the country. The single's immediate success continues a record-setting streak in which every one of the 19 singles released over SHINEDOWN's decade-plus career has ascended to the upper regions of the radio charts — a feat that no other rock band has achieved.

In addition, the "Cut The Cord" companion video recently had its world premiere on Billboard.com. The powerful clip — directed by the band's longtime collaborator Darren Doane ("Devour", "Sound Of Madness", "Bully") — has already earned over 1.5 million individual views and can now be viewed at SHINEDOWN's official YouTube channel.

SHINEDOWN is currently traveling the U.S. on a very special summer tour, their first major trek in more than two years. The dates see SHINEDOWN visiting theatres and other intimate venues across the country, performing a unique set that includes classic hits, deep cuts, and best of all, new songs from the upcoming "Threat To Survival". Support on most dates comes from special guests NOTHING MORE.

SHINEDOWN will then return to the road in October to headline a string of festivals: Mobile, Alabama's Bayfest (October 2), Louisville, Kentucky's Louder Than Life (October 4) and Sacramento, California's Monster Energy Aftershock (October 24). The band is already set to kick off 2016 by crossing the Atlantic for the inaugural United Kingdom version of the "Carnival Of Madness Tour", joining fellow hard rock icons BLACK STONE CHERRY, Atlantic Records labelmates HALESTORM, and newcomers HIGHLY SUSPECT for arena dates slated through mid-February. More fall touring plans in support of "Threat To Survival" will be announced soon.

Shinedown is:

Brent Smith (vocals)

Barry Kerch (drums)

Zach Myers (guitars)

Eric Bass (bass)

