这段时间的录音作品,因Billie Holiday的歌声受健康因素的影响,不如以往的高亢明亮,然而这些生活历练让她的歌唱变得略微沙哑,同时带着沧桑的音色,却为她带来了强大的情感张力。其强大的渲染力,一字一句宛如真实地倾诉歌词中的情节,让人不自觉地深陷其中。
by Ron Wynn
A '91 reissue from late in Billie Holiday's career. She was fading, but hadn't lost the dramatic quality in her delivery, nor her ability to project and tell a shattering story. She's backed by trumpeter Charlie Shavers, pianist Oscar Peterson, guitarist Herb Ellis, bassist Ray Brown, and drummer Ed Shaughnessy. The CD reissue has three bonus cuts.