整个 1968 年年底,Bee Gees 全力投入他们新专辑 "Odessa" 的录制工作,他们想灌录一张经典杰作。
"Odessa" 专辑以同名歌曲 "Odessa (City on the Black Sea)" 开场,这首长达七分三十三秒的史诗,是 Robin Gibb 呕心沥血之作。
"Odessa (City on the Black Sea)" (奥德萨——黑海上的城市)的灵感来自一本旅游手册,Robin Gibb 以这个位於黑海的乌克兰港口为题,讲述一件发生在 1899 年情人节时所发生的海难:英国轮船维洛妮卡号(Veronica)在波罗的海失去了踪影,船长李察逊(Captain Richardson)是唯一的生还者,他独自一人随着冰山飘流,一边思念着他留在赫尔市(Hull)的妻子,一边想着要如何回家。後来,一艘经过的船只告诉他,他在家乡的妻子已经移情教区的牧师,并跟着牧师搬到了芬兰。
我不清楚歌曲中提到「奥德萨」是何意义。或许,经过的船将他救到了奥德萨,但从歌曲中又觉得船长应该是选择继续飘流……总之,这是一则爱情悲剧,命运拆散了一对恩爱的夫妻,这个故事和 2000 年汤姆.汉克斯主演的《浩劫重生》(Cast Away)还颇为类似。
"First of May" 是这套专辑的最後一首人声演唱曲(其後接着的终曲 "The British Opera" 是首演奏曲),是故事的最后一小片拼图,唱的是最初与最美的初恋。这段初恋,同样也是因女孩的移情别恋而结束,留下的是永无止尽的遗憾。
原本 Bee Gees 要以 "Odessa (City on the Black Sea)" 为第一首主打歌,他们甚至打算将长达七分半钟的歌曲,拆成两部分放在单曲唱片的 A、B 两面来发行,不然就是和 Beatles 的 "Hey Jude" 一样,发行为七寸的加长版单曲唱片;但这个想法并没有付诸实施,因为他们不想让人认为他们在追随「长单曲」的潮流。
最後的两首候选曲,分别是 Barry Gibb 主唱的 "First of May"和 Robin Gibb 主唱的 "Lamplight"。当经纪人 Robert Stigwood 决定首支单曲为 "First of May" 之後,Robin Gibb 大怒,他认为他的付出没有得到该有的肯定,不久之后他就决定脱团,以个人名义闯荡乐坛。
by Bruce Eder
The group members may disagree for personal reasons, but Odessa is easily the best and most enduring of the Bee Gees' albums of the 1960s. It was also their most improbable success, owing to the conflicts behind its making. The record started out as a concept album, to be called "Masterpeace" and then "The American Opera," but musical differences between Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb that would split the trio in two also forced the abandonment of the underlying concept. Instead, it became a double LP -- largely at the behest of their manager and the record labels; oddly enough, given that the group didn't plan on doing something that ambitious, Odessa is one of perhaps three double albums of the entire decade (the others being Blonde on Blonde and The Beatles) that don't seem stretched, and it also served as the group's most densely orchestrated album. Yet, amid the progressive rock sounds of the title track and ethereal ballads such as "Melody Fair" and "Lamplight" were country-flavored tunes like "Marlery Purt Drive" and the vaguely Dylanesque bluegrass number "Give Your Best," delicate pop ballads like "First of May" (which became the single off the album), and strange, offbeat rock numbers like "Edison" (whose introduction sounds like the Bee Gees parodying Cream's "White Room") and "Whisper Whisper" (the latter featuring a drum break, no less), interspersed with three heavily orchestrated instrumentals. Even the seeming "lesser" numbers such as "Suddenly" had catchy hooks and engaging acoustic guitar parts to carry them, all reminiscent of the Moody Blues' album cuts of the same era. Moreover, the title track, with its mix of acoustic guitar, solo cello, and full orchestra, was worthy of the Moody Blues at their boldest. The myriad sounds and textures made Odessa the most complex and challenging album in the group's history, and if one accepts the notion of the Bee Gees as successors to the Beatles, then Odessa was arguably their Sgt. Pepper album. The album was originally packaged in a red felt cover with gold lettering on front and back and an elaborate background painting for the gatefold interior, which made it a conversation piece just to look at. The CD reissue is surprisingly well-mastered and a bargain at mid-price. Ironically, the making of Odessa was to herald a split between the Gibb brothers that would leave the group sidelined for most of the next 18 months, and was the last to be heard from them as a trio for two years.