彭智烨 PENG Zhiye -【森林的手臂Nos.1-3】Le Braccia della Foresta Nos.1-3
Composed by 彭智烨 PENG Zhiye (2018-19), for 4 contrabasses
[track 1] 【森林的手臂No.1】Le Braccia della Foresta No.1_Performed by Tessitura Ensemble
[track 2] 【森林的手臂No.2】Le Braccia della Foresta No.2_Performed by Tessitura Ensemble
[track 3] 【森林的手臂No.3】Le Braccia della Foresta No.3_Performed by Tessitura Ensemble
从一个齐奏的E泛音开始,每支琴以不同的运弓手法给这个同质化的单音以敏感的色泽变化。音程在此基础上形成,起初的E音逐渐扩充为一个宽广的频谱并向下方音区移动,漂浮态的游弋转化为一种生根蔓延的力量。 —— 彭智烨
All contrabasses begin with a flageolet tutti in E, bringing about sensitive shifting of timbre with varied bowing, to this homogenous harmonic tone. Intervals are then built upon the initial tone, descending to lower and lower register, and expand to a wide span of spectrum. The floating matter is then turned into energy that digs and grows in the ground. —— PENG Zhiye