首次进军国际发行的专辑,闯入美国另类榜Top 10+摇滚榜TOP15,登上南韩国际专辑榜第7名,名列AP杂志【2013年十大典藏专辑】之一!
收录「Holding On To You」、「House Of Gold」、「Car Radio」、「Guns For Hands」等多首攻榜作品!
可以把互不相干的音乐巧妙混搭,又不会突兀的大秀精彩度,超越世代隔阂、横跨乐派领域,令谁都无法抗拒Twenty One Pilots 的魔力,AP杂志注解:『他们的音乐超洗脑的留下深刻印象』,不仅入围MTV音乐奖『值得关注艺人』名单,目不暇给的舞台表演更是受到好评推崇:『感谢二十一名飞员乐团,呈现信心十足、毫无疑问的绝讚舞台秀,充满活力能量、巧妙手法与戏剧张力,令人难以忘怀!』
欢乐到底的风格、发人省思的议题,Twenty One Pilots替你人生加油打气!来自俄亥俄州哥伦布的Tyler Joseph,从小拥有过人的打篮球细胞,却毅然决然放弃大学奖学金,决定往音乐之路迈进,不仅能唱能饶,还精通钢琴、键盘、乌克丽丽等乐器。召唤高中时期的死党Nick Thomas和Chris Salih,三人以文学家Arthur Miller的【吾子吾弟All My Sons】经典剧作为灵感,取名Twenty One Pilots。2009和2011年分别自製发行“Twenty One Pilots”、“Regional At Best”两张专辑,Nick及Chris相继离团,换上前House Of Heroes鼓手Josh Dun入替。他们的才情也被华纳唱片旗下子厂牌Fueled By Ramen赏识,成为Paramore、Panic! At The Disco、Gym Class Heroes师弟团。
2013年的“Vessel”问市,也将Twenty One Pilots推向国际,分别闯入美国另类榜NO.10+摇滚榜TOP15席次,登上南韩国际专辑榜第7名,不仅是AP杂志『2013年十大典藏专辑』之一,还一口气入围『最佳现场乐团』、『最具突破性乐团』、『最佳鼓手Josh Dun』的荣耀!专辑封面的两位老人家是团员的爷爷,标题“Vessel”是将我们的身体形容成船隻,载负了重要使命,虽然死后可以得到解脱,英勇事蹟却能万古流芳,同时期望这张作品不是昙花一现,能够提供人们思考与领悟,经过多年后,还是会时常拿出来聆听回味一番。剪辑超级製作人J.D.全力背书推荐新团DEM Franchize Boyz百万冠军曲「Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It」片段的「Holding On To You」,将Electropop和Alternative Hip-Hop交替互换切入,还不失摇滚兴味,挺入美国摇滚和另类双榜的2013年度百大歌曲之列;Tyler写给母亲的感恩之歌「House Of Gold」,以民谣为根基,包覆流畅Indie Pop频率,拿下另类榜NO.10位置;饶舌+电子的「Car Radio」,愈到后段火力更加全速爆衝,过瘾十足,打破沉默为自己梦想发声前行,荣登热门摇滚榜TOP20;渗入Reggae情节的「Guns For Hands」,大受喜欢雷鬼的日本喜爱,登上日本热门榜第21名。此豪华典藏盘回馈送上4首加值曲,也是独立发行的“Regional At Best”专辑中的精彩好歌!■2015.07■
by Fred Thomas
Columbus, Ohio-based pop duo Twenty One Pilots spent the few short years leading up to Vessel, their debut recording for Atlantic Records subsidiary Fueled by Ramen, touring ceaselessly and reaching out to their growing fan base on a grassroots level. The emphatic pop stylings with more-than-occasional rap interjections made by Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun -- two Midwestern high-school friends who worked hard enough to build up something some people took notice of, still young and full of enough energy to keep up with the twists and turns once the major labels came knocking -- sound custom-made for the trajectory of their career up to this point. The move from rough demo versions on self-released recordings like 2011's Regional at Best to the glossy, radio-ready production of Vessel (handled by Greg Wells, who's also responsible for hits by Adele, Kid Cudi, Katy Perry, and others) seems like an entirely natural progression for the band's dorky rhymes that always run out just in time for an epically hooky chorus. Vessel is front-loaded with three relentlessly catchy single-ready standouts: the schizo-frenetic hip-hop via indie bounce of &Ode to Sleep,& the silky groove of &Holding on to You,& and the vocoder radio pop of &Migraine.& These three songs encapsulate the band's unique calling card, offering up the best examples of what makes their approach different from any number of bands working in similar territory, with enormous beats and full-force electro-pop running through hooks modeled for Top 40 radio, each element punctuated by Joseph's down-to-earth sentiments coming through in the form of caffeinated rap codas. The continuity of the album isn't as strong after those first three songs. The influence of dour emo-pop like Bright Eyes shows up in some of the vocal stylings, as on &Semi-Automatic& and the uncharacteristically folky &House of Gold.& The entire ride is more of a party than an emo-fest, though, and a decidedly more commercial take on the parts of indie rock that appeal to a mass market, with banging tunes like &Fake You Out& leaning closer to Coldplay or Fun. than they do to MGMT, but with an eye toward both sides of the coin. Twenty One Pilots definitely have a formula for both songwriting and production that renders some of the songs here slightly redundant, but even that doesn't take away from the overall value of the album. Vessel is a lively, energetic, pulsing collection of candy-coated big-budget pop with just enough personality to make it more engaging than a large percentage of other groups out there at the moment doing something similar.