by 海德@破報
POBPAH的鼓手Kurt Feldman另組了分支團Ice Choir,沒想到居然自己擔任起主唱兼吉他掛鍵盤的角色(這年頭的鼓手都不容小覷),並且大玩New Romantic、New Wave與Synth-Pop等八零年代復古樂風,其完全臨摹的功力讓同輩望其項背,整張專輯幾乎都是俗到極點、娘到生媚的八零流行曲調,只可惜他們並沒有學到前輩金曲的功力,也就是他們並沒有掌握到「芭樂歌才是王道」的重點,可惜了如此考究且製作精良的專輯概念,也掩蓋了配置精良且層次漂亮的鼓機和電子鼓演出(不愧是鼓手當家的樂團),幸好還有一曲<The Ice Choir>可以讓我們追憶New Order電搖混合的浪漫時代。
80's production married to 19th century poetic influences, simultaneously disengaged and deeply personal, Ice Choir's debut album 'Afar' revels in the multiple contradictions it presents to listeners.
'Afar' is 35 minutes of the most considered pop music out there; a compelling ode to lust, distance and alienation …