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Wolfmother狼妈妈乐团,被誉为澳洲传奇AC/DC后最令人期待的摇滚乐团,也被百大吉他手Slash认可为摇滚界的闪耀新星,更被美国音乐权威杂志Rolling Stone视为承袭了Led Zeppelin、Black Sabbath、The White Stripes等乐团风格之集大成者。
历经多年来的变动,Wolfmother目前的团员仅剩元老级的主唱兼吉他手Andrew Stockdale,以及在2009年加入的贝斯手Ian Peres,而两人于2015年找来了Alex Carapetis担任巡迴时的御用鼓手;如今的Wolfmother便以这样独特的阵容屹立不摇的在Hard Rock与Heavy Metal界闯荡。回朔到2014年的作品【New Crown】,主唱Andrew于该专辑发行后,立刻有了下一张专辑的灵感,并且包办了所有词曲的创作,他表示:「我写出所有的词曲以及丢出编曲的想法,然后交给团员们自由发挥,这种模式让我们非常契合。」而贝斯手Ian Peres在新专辑中别出心裁的负责了keyboard部分的编曲,并邀请了製作人Brendan O'Brien(AC/DC、布鲁斯史普林斯汀)负责了其他特别的乐器演奏,打造出一张有别于以往的专辑。经过两年多的精心炮製,【胜利乐章 Victorious】诞生了。
【Victorious】请来了拥有两座葛莱美奖,堪称告示牌金曲製造机的Brendan O'Brien操刀打造;开场的"The Love That You Give",据说是主唱用了仅仅一小时左右便创作出来的硬式摇滚力作;同名主打单曲"Victorious"顺利挺进告示牌主流摇滚榜No.31,硬汉摇滚的气息俯拾皆是;与澳洲另类摇滚天团Spiderbait鼓手Kram共同谱写的"Gypsy Caravan",是专辑中最特别的歌曲,混和了另类音乐与摇滚的原汁原味。
When it was released in 2005, Wolfmother's eponymous debut was exactly what rock & roll needed: a meaty, beaty, big and bouncy genre resuscitator that not only broke through to the mainstream, but broke big. Wolfmother was certified Gold in the States and Triple-Platinum in the band's Australian homeland. Lead single 'Woman' hit top ten on the Hot Modern Rock Tracks Chart and won a Grammy for 'Best Hard Rock Performance.' Their songs became ubiquitous, appearing in films (Shrek, Jackass, The Hangover), video games (Need For Speed, MLB: The Show, Saints Row) and television commercials (Apple, Mitsubishi). No wonder Rolling Stone named it one of the best albums of the year.
Led by vocalist/guitarist Andrew Stockdale, Wolfmother have amassed a global fanbase, played to packed-house crowds around the world, delivered show-stealing sets at star-studded festivals like Coachella, Lollapalooza and Reading and Leeds, and have been invited to share stages with rock icons Aerosmith and AC/DC. For their induction into the UK Music Hall of Fame, Led Zeppelin personally invited Wolfmother as their guests (the band showed their appreciation by delivering an electrifying cover of 'Communication Breakdown'). For most artists, such accomplishments usually mark the culmination of a career if they're lucky.
But ten years after their arrival, Wolfmother have returned with what could arguably be called their best work to date. With Victorious, Stockdale once again arrives right on time: in an era dominated by single-song downloads, this is an album worthy of repeat listens from top to bottom. Following 2009's Cosmic Egg and 2014's New Crown, the much-anticipated Victorious (Universal Music Enterprises) is an electrifying testament to the range and depth of Stockdale's artistry. Recorded at Henson Studios in Los Angeles with two-time Grammy winning producer Brendan O'Brien (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Bruce Springsteen), the songs are edgy, inventive and uncompromising and rank among the band s best ever.
The first single 'Victorious' swings from a propulsive riff and pronounced drum stomp into a gargantuan, triumphant vocal hook. 'I bought this weird-looking eighties metal guitar,' he recalls. 'It just looks hilarious and I was playing all of these riffs for 20 minutes, pairing them with drums. The lyrics came out of nowhere. It felt so natural. The words had a certain ring to them.' The album announces itself with 'Love That You Give,' tempering a rousing and raucous riff with a soulful vocal refrain and vibrant lyricism. 'I had a couple of drinks and started writing,' he says. 'By the end of the day, it was done. Nothing changed from the demo. The lyrical theme is, 'How do you react to adversity or difficulties in life?' You try to be proactive and put something positive back into the world instead of buying into other people's aggression, negativity, or hatred. You're counteracting emotions that get thrown at you.' For the cinematic 'Pretty Peggy,' he strips everything down to an acoustic guitar and delicate beat, then illuminates his dynamic range over the sixties-style strut and handclap of 'Best of a Bad Situation.' About the thick-grooved 'Gypsy Caravan,' Stockdale says, 'the title references the transient lifestyle. When people finish high school, they want to backpack around the world. When people retire, it's the same thing; they want to get an RV and ride around. Things are constantly moving. There's a romantic notion of the musical life, but wanderlust truly unites all of us.' Ultimately, Victorious is meant for the road - that's where Wolfmother roars to life.