乐队首张专辑《Reborn from the Inferno》主要以中文写作,在广州铁黎录音棚(Take Live Studio)录制,录音前期及后期由广州著名录音师及混音师王智星(Park Wong)一手包办完成,专辑的每样乐器都由成员亲自录音,特别鼓手上真鼓,坚持绝不用MIDI制作,一气呵成录制,因此这张专辑将凝聚成员巨大的心血和付出,同时本专辑绝对是中国广州首张黑金属专辑。主唱二少有着宽阔的音域,并在录制人声上尝试运用多种唱腔演唱,在专辑中,能够领略黑死嗓以及其他极端嗓音相互交织所带来的特殊美感。乐队两位吉他手(老杰和阿鑫)默契天成,除了弹奏出紧凑且饱含张力的RIFF,曲中也不乏耐听优美的旋律;鼓手(閪元)迅猛有力且富有律动的鼓点为歌曲提供了强大的后盾支撑;贝斯手(小明)亦在节奏与旋律中发挥了其协调、引导甚至主导等重要作用;键盘手(包包)以十指营造出的阴郁却不失古典优雅的氛围和旋律更令歌曲顿显大气,更显编曲的精细。如此种种,相得益彰,是为黑戒。
“Reborn from the Inferno”, their first album wrote in Chinese and was produced in Guangzhou Take Live Studio. Pre-recording and later manufacturing were both finished by Mr. Park Wong, Guangzhou famous audio mixer. All tracks in the album were recorded by members’ personally playing, even included the drum part --- they refused to take MIDI for replacement. This album condensed the great effort and contribution from all members, and it is worthy of being the first truly black me
tal album in Guangzhou, China.