“This band come from the U.S.A. and this album was released in 1991. It opens with quiet guitar intermingled with radio commentary and some superb symphonic sounds which links into “The Great Men”. This is a great opening sequence to this album which I suppose comes across as a concept. This track sounds very “Fish” like and if you are into early Marillion then this should be your cup of tea as it brings back happy memories of when Marillion were at their peak. Track 3, “On Any Given Nite”, is equally reminiscent with a quiet Fish style vocal entry then the music slowly builds as a superb guitar takes over, this is a brilliant piece of composing.
Track 4, “Carpe Diem”, changes things as they seem to turn to Saga for inspiration, this just about sounds on the pomp side of Prog and the doubts start to creep in for me on this album. “Shades”, the longest track here with a clocking in time of 11:46, follows and early on reminds me of the superb Salem Hill. This is pretty good complex progressive music which just about stays on track until the second half when it becomes a bit Americanised but it eventually pulls itself together and finishes quite emotionally.
Now we come to “Clumps Of Dirt” and again there is a swing of direction and sound. This album is beginning to sound disjointed with its lack of consistence. Track 7, “Peace In Time”, is more emotionally charged and is a good laid-back track which gradually develops. “Meaning And The Moment” comes across as commercial prog and quite good once you get used to it, quite tuneful. Track 9, “Breath Of Fresh Air”, could be described as the same as it flows along quite nicely. “Until It Rains” opens progressively. This almost sounds like “The Moody Blues” so is, again at times, commercial in the progressive sense, great sax on this track.
The final song, “The Velveteen Rabbit”, opens quietly and eventually builds into a rather special piece of music, excellent.
This album is maddening because there are some good moments here as shown on “The Velveteen Rabbit” and 4 or 5 others. Unfortunately, on the other hand, it becomes too diverse in ideas. Their future releases could be interesting to see how the ideas developed.”