◎连续三年提名全英音乐奖的Post-Punk Revival耀眼新贵
◎Mercury Rev贝斯手Dave Fridmann(The Flaming Lips、Weezer、MGMT)全权操盘
◎〈Handsome〉入选BBC Radio 1当家主持人Zane Lowe的「Hottest Record In The World」名单;此张豪华盘,追入3首加值曲+4首独家混音单曲
从英国BBC新人风向球的「Sound Of 2011」名单中引来高度关注,拿下NME音乐奖「年度最佳新进乐团」肯定,连续三年提名全英音乐奖的The Vaccines,在世代交替的摇滚风潮中吸收能量,直率不羁的散发叛逆青春气息,将Post-Punk Revival的复古回归调匀恰到好处,快意过瘾的彻底解放,朝气蓬勃的带领乐迷畅饮活力泉源!2010年成军的The Vaccines,由先前以艺名Jay Jay Pistolet投效Indie Folk领域的Justin Young担纲主唱,外加贝斯手Árni Hjörvar、The Horrors负责合成器之Tom Cowan亲弟Freddie Cowan控管吉他弹奏、还有鼓手Pete Robertson...等四位年轻小伙子组织而成。马不停蹄的在短短两年内发行《What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?》、《Come Of Age》两张专辑,分佔英国金榜殿、冠军,媒体一面倒的高声讚誉,集三千宠爱于一身,跃登英伦新世代摇滚的黑马,就连乐坛老将们都臣服在The Vaccines的独特魅力之中!
对于暴女乐团Sleater-Kinney情有独锺的The Vaccines,受到她们2005年的专辑《The Woods》启发,欲想如法泡製相同方向概念的作品,请到《The Woods》幕后推手,也是Mercury Rev贝斯手Dave Fridmann(The Flaming Lips、Weezer、MGMT)全权操盘《English Graffiti》,让原本录好的Demo不可思议活了过来,确切骚到The Vaccines的痒处,同时在严格把关下,使得整张新碟贯穿一致性,展现无法抵抗的摇滚劲道。畅快淋漓的开场〈Handsome〉,体验一气呵成的庞克悸动,帅气又过瘾,入选BBC Radio 1当家主持人Zane Lowe的「Hottest Record In The World」名单;相当Doomy的吉他Riffs催送下〈Dream Lover〉,一旁的狂放气燄持续延烧著;导入80摇滚情节的〈Minimal Affection〉,足以唤醒Kate Bush的〈Running Up That Hill〉或Stevie Nicks之〈Stand Back〉美丽片段;钢琴的曼妙迴盪〈(All Afternoon) In Love〉,提供一支醉心爱恋情歌!此张豪华盘,追入3首加值曲+4首独家混音单曲!
“English Graffiti” is the forthcoming third studio album to come from English indie rock band The Vaccines, formed by Justin Young, Freddie Cowan, Árni Árnason and Pete Robertson.
The band released their long awaited comeback single “Handsome“ on 19 January 2015 as the first cut off their upcoming album “English Graffiti“, due to be released onto digital retailers on 25 May 2015 via Sony Music & Columbia Records.
“English Graffiti” is co-produced by Dave Fridman and Cole M Greif-Neill. The album is said to sound different from their last two albums, as Justin Young told NME:
“I started to feel being timeless isn’t a good thing,” he said. “I wanted to make a record that was important in 2015 and sounded like 2015.”