听 天使 在歌唱 纯真 澄澈 神祕静谧 飘渺空灵 与波伽利 莎拉布莱曼并列 英国前三大畅销专辑的纯淨歌声
只有孩童纯真的笑容才能形塑天使的模样,只有孩童清澈的歌声才能比拟天使在歌唱。「天使之翼合唱团(Libera)」蜕变自历史悠久的伦敦圣菲利浦少年合唱团(St. Phillips Boys Choir),同为世界三大少年合唱团体,相较于维也纳少年合唱团的学院风格、巴黎木十字儿童合唱团的宗教特质,天使之翼合唱团则更具大众化与亲切感,博得全世界乐迷的狂热喜爱。继2013年畅销的【跨界美声:圣诞礼讚】之后,华纳古典于2015年新春推出最新专辑【幸福天籁】,疗癒渴望已久的天使之翼合唱团广大乐迷。
这是天使之翼合唱团2014年八月于华盛顿圣母无瑕圣殿(Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception)的实况录音与录影,这座北美最大的哥德式天主教堂,可容纳三千五百人,内部以拜占庭风格装饰出神圣性,四十位美声小天使就在瑰丽华美的马赛克圆顶下,献唱十六首清新动人的经典歌曲。开场的《快乐颂》带所有乐迷回到他们早期身为圣菲利浦少年合唱团时代的美好回忆,陆续演唱红遍全球的畅销金曲,包括根据帕海贝尔卡农所改编的《圣乐卡农》、日本作曲家村松崇继的《生命的奇蹟》等等。
Libera, the celestial-sounding, chart-topping boy choir, brings its distinctive blend of innovative textures, meditative solos and shimmering, ecstatic choral harmonies, embedded in atmospheric instrumental arrangements, to a combination of religious and secular music. The group recorded a live concert for CD and DVD/Bluray in Washington, D.C. at the spectacular Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. With Libera in America, the young Londoners pay tribute to their host country and church with a characteristic blend of sacred and secular music in both the classical and popular traditions, bringing together innovative textures, meditative solos and shimmering, ecstatic choral harmonies. The album opens with Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, inspired by Beethoven's 9th Symphony, and among the following tracks are some of Libera's greatest hits - including Sanctus, inspired by Johann Pachelbel's famous Canon, and Song of Life by the Japanese composer Takatsugu Muramatsu. These numbers are complemented by such universal sacred favorites as the haunting Amazing Grace and Schubert's soaring Ave Maria.