




Sol Gabetta


《Sol Gabetta: Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saëns, Ginastera 修儿·嘉碧妲:柴可夫斯基/圣桑/金纳斯特拉》中,最值得一提的首先是同为阿根廷籍的作曲家金纳斯特拉的《彭巴斯草原之歌第二号》,这首作品完成于一九五零年,此曲一般较为人知的版本是以大提琴和钢琴合奏的,而本片的弦乐伴奏,则是世上首度录音。这首作品是在描写横亘在亚马逊河流域上的广大彭巴斯草原的原始景象,金纳斯特拉藉由曲中的大提琴,运用最鲜明而特别的新演奏技法,刻划出这片蛮荒的景象,可以说是大提琴曲目中最具有想像力和原创力的一首乐曲。其次则是柴可夫斯基小品,其中的《如歌行板》广为人知,出自柴可夫斯基第一号弦乐四重奏第二乐章中的作品,此曲动人的主题是一首俄国民谣,曾让大文豪托尔斯泰感动落泪。至于《夜曲》是为钢琴家普雷特涅夫喜爱,常在音乐会上当作安可曲的作品,改编自柴氏作品十九六首钢琴小品中的第四首。比较少为人所知的是《奇想风》一曲,此曲是在《洛可可主题变奏曲》完成后十年才问世的,这是柴氏少数为大提琴原创的作品,却较少为人注意和喜欢,此曲后半有一段相当艰难高技巧的擦弦奏乐段。

by Mike D. Brownell

Cellist Sol Gabetta possesses a beautifully singing tone, an evenly warm sound across the range of her instrument, precise intonation, and a large array of colors and techniques at her disposal. Yet her debut album fails to make a tremendous impact on its listeners. While sheer technique and virtuosity shouldn't win out over considerations of musical artistry, works like the Rococo Variations still require at least a little bit of sparkle and dazzle to maintain the excitement. Despite her amply beautiful sound, Gabetta's interpretation comes across as cautious and lackluster. The seven variations lack adequate distinction in tempo and character, with the third, fourth, and sixth variations being interminably slow. The Saint-Saëns concerto is slightly more vigorous in the first theme, but by the second theme the tempo once again comes almost to a standstill. Ginastera's Pampeana No. 2, heard here in a version for cello and string orchestra, is the most interesting and vivacious piece on the disc, but is still not as fiery as it should be. The orchestra accompaniment is similarly sluggish and the playing in the string section is often imprecise. While listeners will most likely enjoy Gabetta's rich sound, they may wish to look elsewhere for a more lively and varied performance of all the works heard here.

Works on This Recording


Variations for Cello and Orchestra on a Rococo theme, Op. 33

by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

■ Performer: Sol Gabetta (Cello)

■ Conductor: Ari Rasilainen

■ Orchestra/Ensemble: Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra

■ Period: Romantic

■ Written: 1876; Russia

■ Venue: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany

■ Length: 18 Minutes 26 Secs.

■ Notes: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany (09/13/2005 - 09/17/2005)


Andante cantabile for Cello and Strings, Op. 11

by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

■ Performer: Sol Gabetta (Cello)

■ Conductor: Ari Rasilainen

■ Orchestra/Ensemble: Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra

■ Period: Romantic

■ Written: ?1886-88; Russia

■ Venue: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany

■ Length: 6 Minutes 28 Secs.

■ Notes: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany (09/13/2005 - 09/17/2005)


Pezzo capriccioso for Cello and Orchestra in B minor, Op. 62

by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

■ Performer: Sol Gabetta (Cello)

■ Conductor: Ari Rasilainen

■ Orchestra/Ensemble: Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra

■ Period: Romantic

■ Written: 1887; Russia

■ Venue: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany

■ Length: 7 Minutes 1 Secs.

■ Notes: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany (09/13/2005 - 09/17/2005)


Nocturne for Cello and small Orchestra in D minor, Op. 19 no 4

by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

■ Performer: Sol Gabetta (Cello)

■ Conductor: Ari Rasilainen

■ Orchestra/Ensemble: Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra

■ Period: Romantic

■ Written: 1873; Russia

■ Venue: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany

■ Length: 4 Minutes 16 Secs.

■ Notes: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany (09/13/2005 - 09/17/2005)


Concerto for Cello no 1 in A minor, Op. 33

by Camille Saint-Saëns

■ Performer: Sol Gabetta (Cello)

■ Conductor: Ari Rasilainen

■ Orchestra/Ensemble: Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra

■ Period: Romantic

■ Written: 1872; France

■ Venue: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany

■ Length: 19 Minutes 59 Secs.

■ Notes: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany (09/13/2005 - 09/17/2005)


Pampeana no 2 for Cello and Piano, Op. 21

by Alberto Ginastera

■ Performer: Sol Gabetta (Cello)

■ Conductor: Ari Rasilainen

■ Orchestra/Ensemble: Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra

■ Period: 20th Century

■ Written: 1950; Argentina

■ Venue: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany

■ Length: 7 Minutes 54 Secs.

■ Notes: Bavarian Radio Studios, Munich, Germany (09/13/2005 - 09/17/2005)
