




Yo-Yo Ma
Sony Classical



由马友友演奏的专辑《探戈灵魂》是由阿根廷著名作曲家阿斯托皮亚左拉(Astor Piazzolla 1921-1992)所作。专辑的制作人是阿根廷享誉盛名的奥斯卡卡斯特罗那维斯(Oscar Castro-Neves)。这张专辑共有十一个曲目,全为阿斯托皮亚左拉所创作。皮亚左拉这位在法国受到正规作曲法训练的阿根廷作曲家,最终选择了将探戈作为自己的创作源泉和生命。是他赋予了探戈新的生命力。

虽然马友友录制了上百张CD, 这张专辑仍是他最喜爱的专辑之一。正如他所说:“皮亚左拉的探戈完全不同于你以往所听到的探戈。我最大的遗憾就是没能见到皮亚左拉本人。” 在马友友录制这张唱片时,皮亚左拉已经离开人世。所幸的是马友友和皮亚左拉生前的好友及工作伙伴一起演奏并录制了这张唱片。

by Adam Greenberg

Inspired by a general love of the tango, and more specifically the tango of Astor Piazzolla, on the part of Yo-Yo Ma, the Soul of the Tango album is a masterful work of the nuevo tango, played by Ma's cello and many of Piazzolla's former associates. Piazzolla's old guitarists Sergio and Odair Assad even showed up to work on a pair of tracks arranged by Sergio: the Tango Suite (consisting of Andante and Allegro). The sheer beauty of one of Piazzolla's tangos is generally enough to warrant the purchase of an album containing them. An album such as this one, where all of the songs -- save one: Tango Remembrances, where Ma plays along with outtakes from Piazzolla's recording of The Rough Dancer and the Cyclical Night album are compositions by Piazzolla -- is even better. Add to this the masterful playing of Ma, and the surprising facility in which the cello fits into the tango, and you've got what could become a classic album, if only it weren't on the classical label from Sony. The album begins with Libertango, a composition from Piazzolla's first album that became the theme song for the movie The Tango Lesson. Following is the pair of tracks in the Tango Suite from Sergio Assad. Then comes Sur: Regreso al Amor, a softer work, though with some definite virtuosity displayed. Le Grand Tango is an 11-minute tour de force in the tango, and Fugata is a tango written under the guidelines of a classical fugue. The next work is the aforementioned Tango Remembrances, which is a particularly nice work, probably due to the appearance of Piazzolla's own playing. Mumuki is a more complicated composition, and "Tres Minutos con la Realidad" is a choppier, peppier work. Milonga del Angel is a seemingly sentimental work that shows off Piazzolla's ability to express the emotions of a song perfectly and purely. To finish the album, Ma presents Café 1930, a rather slow-paced work, but again, as in Milonga del Angel, Ma expresses emotion very fully in its nostalgia. Overall, the album is a stunning work of art, and even those who may not have heard of Piazzolla could easily be lured to his music via this single album.

