




Scissor Sisters
Universal Music



☆翻玩Pink Floyd名作”Comfortably Numb”直击英国金榜TOP10



  把迷幻摇滚、放克摇滚与迪斯可元素搅拌一起,产生昏眩摇摆、七彩缤纷跟解放性灵的快感,驱使听者忘情的舞动身躯,迷醉于复古的动感时尚空间,找回摇滚乐充满快乐与解放的本质,这就是纽约electro摇滚世代中最勇、最跳、最新潮的队伍Scissor Sisters的音乐潜能,他们如霓虹孺迷惑人心的现场演唱更让人想起Bee Gees、The B-52’s等乐团出道早期的感觉,还有Elton John式的钢琴编曲风格,不断与兴奋著听者的细胞。

  Scissor Sisters的五位成员从暱称、装扮上,都兼具了颠覆、天真、抢眼、冷酷、劲爆的性格,包括:有个爱穿网状紧身衣裤,带点George Michael早期音色感觉,擅长假音演唱的核心人物Jake Shears、造型打扮有如数位世代的巴比伦神话伊斯塔女神一般难以辨认的变装女神Ana Matronic,还有能透过充满低调趣味感的电气化摇滚乐创作挑动主唱情绪的鬼才Babydaddy,以及Pabby Boom、Del Marquis。话说Scissor Sisters乐团的缘起是这样子的,Jake Shears与Babydaddy两人在迪士尼乐园大听等候欣赏’Captain EO’试片时认识Ana Matronic,Jake与Babydaddy对于Ana出神入化演唱Michael Jackson "Just Another Part Of Me"的神采留下深刻印象,三人对90年代初期的acid乐风以及’The Muppet Show’节目有著共同的喜爱,于是就在乐园中的The Haunted Mansion游戏区,三人拿出一把生鏽的剪刀,并以食指交叉结盟组成乐团,随后就前往曼哈顿巡迴演唱;2002年发表出道首支单曲"Electrobix"就骚动了同志身体、造型等议题的敏感神经,同时也激起注重时尚品味的都会男女的热情。

  2004年发行首张同名大碟【Scissor Sisters】,专辑中闪耀著摇滚乐的快乐因子、华丽神采、实验趣味以及复古精神,你可以形容这是一张献给e世代的迪斯可/放克摇滚派对作品,,或说它是一张有如The Darkness一样的复兴60/70年代精神的摇滚大作也成,还是称讚这是一张将新世代拉回80年代电子合成摇滚场景的作品都可以,总之,这是一张蕴藏无限创作潜能与火花的专辑,听的越多,惊喜越多。专辑裡有"Laura""Lovers In The Backseat"、"Better Luck"以及痛批纽约前任市长朱利安尼,兼谈次文化面临消失困境的"Tits On The Radio"这些派对劲歌,也有感人至深的慢板摇滚小品"Mary"以及饶富宏观视野的杰作"Retum To Oz"。Scissor Sisters的出现,让摇滚文化与舞曲文化出现了全新的希望、态度与曙光。

by Johnny LoftusMidway through the 2000s, theft with an artful nod and wink has become quite fashionable, and frilly is the new black. Combos like Chromeo and the Electric Six are finding mileage in long-shuttered, retrospectively laughable genres like synth pop and new romantic, and revisiting disco's most damning elements with a vigor for recombination. The results certainly elicit some snickering, but they can also be too cool -- or, for the insecure, too much of a guilty pleasure -- to ignore. New York's Scissor Sisters access these ideas and more on their debut full-length for Polygram. The eponymous release is a gleaming composite of epic, unabashedly pretty '70s songwriting and fancy-pants disco hedonism, reflecting the decadent dance-pop afterglow of all that George Michael wrought. &Lovers in the Backseat& is powered by the androgynous groove of Michael's &Everything She Wants.& &Jealous glances/Now I'm lookin' for another song on the radio,& they sing. &I'll take it to a side street/In the shadows you can touch one another/And I'll just watch the show.& This flirty, satiny sexuality tingles in every lyrical inch of Scissor Sisters, as the Sisters save their subtlety for the songcraft. Opener &Laura& is a swaggering, absolutely irresistible update of vintage Stevie Wonder, illustrated with piano breaks and a honking sax. &Take Your Mama& chirps in a high register, a honky chateau dreamland of the Beta Band covering Elton John. All of this wackiness occurs before Scissor Sisters drop their dusky dancefloor version of &Comfortably Numb.& They're hopped up over a twittering glitterball beat, referencing Frankie Goes to Hollywood and the Bee Gees even as the song functions as a Floyd redux. &I! I! I've become...'fortably numb!& As fun as all of this is (and the lip-smack glam of &Music Is the Victim& is very, very fun), the Sisters' revisionism can also get them in trouble. &It Can't Come Quickly Enough&'s dance-pop is too accurate, getting the bland side way too right, while &Return to Oz& cribs from Pink Floyd without the salve of artful dance club redirection. Still, these missteps are forgivable when pseudonyms like Del Marquis and Paddy Boom populate the band. Like some of their in-the-know peers, Scissor Sisters are happy to raid rock and pop's simpering peony past to soundtrack the parties and prurience of the silvery present day.
